Hen Supplement

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Vandana Biotech Private Limited is an excellent Hen supplement Manufacturers, Exporters and Suppliers in India. It is an additional dietary booster you can give to chickens to improve their overall health, egg production, and sometimes address specific deficiencies. We offer these in various forms like powders, treats, and oyster shells, depending on the supplement.

Some of Common Hen Supplements:

  1. Calcium: This is crucial for laying hens, as it helps them to produce strong eggshells. It can come in the form of oyster shells, crushed limestone, or commercially prepared supplements.
  2. Electrolytes: Electrolytes help to maintain proper hydration and balance essential minerals in hens' bodies. These are particularly important during hot weather or stressful situations.
  3. Protein: It is a building block for healthy feathers, muscles, and eggs. Some supplements offer a protein boost if hens' regular diet lacks sufficient protein sources.
  4. Vitamins and Minerals: It aim to fill any gaps in hens' diet, ensuring they get a well-rounded supply of essential nutrients.
  5. Probiotics and Prebiotics: These promote gut health and digestion in hens, which can be beneficial for overall health and potentially even egg production.

Do Hens Need Supplements?

Yes, hens often need supplements to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients for optimal health, egg production, and overall well-being. A balanced diet consisting of quality feed can provide essential nutrients. Some of the reasons why supplements can be beneficial:

  1. Nutrient Deficiencies
  2. Better eggshell strength and consistency
  3. Proper development of chicks and pullets
  4. Healthier hens are more active and happier

We at Vandana Biotech's ensure the health and productivity of hens with our premium supplements. We are dedicated to supporting poultry farming success with our trusted products. We are a famous Hen Supplements Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier in India. Contact us today.


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